Legacies don’t function well on autopilot.  It takes intentionality to have a legacy come to fruition. But it also takes realignment and tweaking from time to time.

It can be daunting to consider adjusting our course of direction. We want to ensure that we will meet our goals, but fear can hold us back from making adjustments that might actually be the difference in achieving the objectives of our legacy, after all. Likewise, if we do not adjust our legacy from time-to-time, it might lead to the death of our plans. So how do we renew our legacy?

Remember the Foundation

What led to the forming of your legacy in the first place? Think back to when you put your plans into action. Why did you make the decisions you did? Oftentimes the motivation behind our planning can be fear-based, focused on avoiding certain pitfalls, rather than being faith-based, focused on long-term and eternal objectives. Combining sound financial principles with others-centered goals, our plans are on solid ground when we are willing to examine our foundation earnestly.

Reconsider Your Goals

Assessing the goals in your legacy helps us to continue to stay on track. A long-term vision and goal setting does not just look to a short-term gain. Eternal rewards are superior to instant gratification and help to keep our goals from drifting toward meaningless worldly goals. Re-evaluating our goals through a biblical lens ensures that our ladder is leaned against the right wall.

Redefining Your Legacy

Maybe the initial foundation could use a little clarifying. This is not a bad thing. Re-examining our legacy and refreshing the definition refuels our purpose. Read through the article below, “6 Steps to Define Your Legacy”, and see if your legacy needs a little redefinition.

Restore the Vision

Codify and strengthen the vision that remains. Maybe find new ways of expressing your vision that make it relevant to your life now. Communication is key if we want to ensure our legacy remains.


Business: How to Think About Building Your Legacy

Family: Five Essentials to Leaving a Legacy that Will Outlive You

Christian Leaders: Christian Leaders Who Leave a Legacy

Personal: 6 Steps to Define Your Legacy

Leaving a Legacy: 10 Things I Want To Be Remembered For