“One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.”
(Psalm 145:4 (ESV)
The legacy we seek to leave is done so moment by moment. Our family legacy is formed individually—each one contributes to the collective legacy left. And as we seek to cultivate a legacy that endures, our personal legacy is what impacts those around us the most.
Let it Begin with Me
When we don’t just espouse wise principles but truly seek to live them out, our actions truly do speak louder than our words.
Our management of family, finances, ministry and business flow from our personal investment of time and finances. The old adage rings true—where our finances or time are spent determines where our priorities are. Each choice we make impacts another and it is easy to get off track, but when our decisions are informed by our faith, our legacy sticks.
In the quiet
Our personal legacy cannot be completed in a moment. It is cultivated in a disciplined life that consistently seeks the presence of God to enable us to live out His legacy. Bringing our plans under the lordship of Jesus Christ and applying biblical principles to our daily and future decisions safeguards the legacy we want to leave.
The Accountability Factor
Time invested with others helps us to intentionally cultivate a personal and family legacy. We might not examine ourselves so thoroughly as a mentor would.
The Real Legacy
Cultivating a personal legacy through a disciplined, accountable life built on God’s word and principles establishes a family legacy. When our personal legacy is hidden in Christ, our legacy is not about us, after all, but pointing the way to what matters most: knowing God and making Him known.

What ways have you found to cultivate a family legacy? Share in the comments below for a chance to win Jeff’s new book, “Create a Thriving Family Legacy: How to Share Your Wisdom and Wealth with Your Children and Grandchildren“. Join us next week as we look deeper into cultivating a family legacy through our personal legacy.