The lingering smell of turkey invites us to the Thanksgiving feast with loved ones around, oohing and ahhing over their favorite food. It’s Thanksgiving again, with a hint of pumpkin spice and cinnamon filling the air, we are comforted with the simple things of life that help us to take a break from the ordinary.
Thanksgiving is a holiday founded in cherished biblical precepts of remembering God’s kindness and provision throughout the year as we fellowship together over a meal.
Taking the time to stop the merry-go-round of life and pause to reflect with gratitude is a great principle that helps us to also course correct where we need to. Long after the memories of favorite recipes and conversations have passed, fostering an environment of thankfulness takes intentionality and planning.
Cultivate gratitude as a family in the Word. Time in the word of God can be easily crowded out with preparations, but beginning the holiday in the word of God sets the stage for the rest of the holiday.
Cultivate gratitude as a family through traditions. A sense of commonality and belonging is reinforced by celebrating the traditions you have and making new ones, too. Here are some ideas to cultivate special family time together from Family Life.
Cultivate gratitude as a family by serving together. Serving at a soup kitchen or helping deliver Thanksgiving meals to those in need is a powerful incubator of selfless gratitude.
Cultivate gratitude as a family by playing together. Running a Turkey Trot, playing games, going for a walk after feasting are all great opportunities to just “be” together. If you are looking for fun recipes and craft ideas, here are some ideas to explore creativity together as a family.
This Thanksgiving, let us leave a legacy of gratitude that carries throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Stewardship Legacy Coaching. May God bless you this season and always!