As tax season approaches, it’s an opportune time to align your finances with your faith and maximize your legacy this tax season.

Maximize your Kingdom living.

At Stewardship Legacy Coaching, we believe in honoring God through wise financial stewardship, ensuring that your resources not only bless your family but also support Kingdom purposes. As stewards of all we have been given, we want to leave a legacy of faithfulness and generosity. To help you in this endeavor, we have provided Key Financial Data to use as you complete your taxes and do your tax planning for the upcoming year.

As we head into tax season and begin to plan our finances for the coming year, it can be difficult to paint an accurate picture without memorizing all the key numbers that affect our taxes, including healthcare, updated tax brackets, retirement contribution limits, medicare premiums, and more.

Maximize your giving.

Enclosed is a very handy reference card to help with your finances for the rest of the year. This key financial data will help you to have the current information at your fingertips. It’s called the 2025 Key Financial Data card. It gives you many of the numbers people need about Tax Rates, IRA and 401k contributions, Social Security, health savings, Medicare, retirement, college planning, and more all in one place.

Of course, you can always call me when you have questions, concerns, or need advice, but this quick key formation will help you have a reference that can be very helpful in checking an assumption or marshaling your facts.

I hope you find the 2025 Key Financial Data card as useful as I do. If you have friends, family members, or other professional advisors you feel would appreciate having this information at their fingertips, please feel free to give or send them a copy. At Stewardship Legacy, we want you to live well, lead well, and leave well in every choice you make.

See the 2025 Key Financial Data card here.

Maximize your care-giving.

Here are a few ways to maximize your impact this tax season and leave a legacy as you do tax planning for the next year:

Charitable Giving: Donations to churches and ministries can reduce taxable income while furthering God’s work.

Estate Planning: A well-structured plan ensures your assets support loved ones and faith-driven causes beyond your lifetime.

Smart Investments: Faith-aligned investments can generate wealth while upholding biblical principles.

We’re here to guide you through faith-centered financial planning as you seek to honor God with wise stewardship this tax season. Contact us today for a consultation and start shaping a lasting Christian legacy.

Yours for a Thriving Legacy,
Jeff Rogers