October is Long-Term Care Month and a good reminder to consider now the future of your loved ones. Below are 3 ways to take care of loved ones after you are gone.

My wife Cathy and I will never regret taking care of our dads. We were blessed to have been able to do so, but that is not something everyone can do. More than that, if something were to have happened to Cathy or myself, we needed to consider who would have taken care of our dads.

Questions like, “Who will take care of my loved ones when I am gone?” cannot wait for tomorrow, but so often we can take tomorrow for granted. Below are some things to consider when you are trying to figure out how to ensure your loved ones will be taken care of.

Take Care of Their Health

Long-term health insurance is a must today as people are living longer and health problems are on the rise. Making sure your loved one has prepared and that you have also prepared helps to provide confidence that their health needs will be taken care of. Watch this presentation for Long-Term-Care strategies and feel free to reach out with any questions. We have a Director of Long Term Care Solutions, Jean Ausman, in our office who can help you to find a plan that works for your circumstances.

Take Care of Their Provision

Crafting an estate plan is essential for those in your care both for your children and your aging parents. Setting your house in order brings clarity to your future and the future of your loved ones. Here is an estate planning checklist you can use to get started. Meeting with an advisor for counsel is a way to make sure you have planned thoroughly.

Take Care of Their Emotional Well Being

Crafting a letter to loved ones helps them to know your intent and you care for them. This letter is an opportunity to let your loved ones how much you care both in word and in deed. Consider what is meaningful for them and make it personal.

The best time to take care of loved ones is now. Preparation enables us to care for loved ones when we might not be around to do so.