28 Feb, 2022

Finding Hope when Your Legacy is Broken

By |2022-02-28T16:53:33+00:00February 28th, 2022|Faith, Fear, Generations, Legacy|Comments Off on Finding Hope when Your Legacy is Broken

You raised your children to know God and to live their faith out authentically. You modeled this lifestyle and legacy in front of your children, as well. But the day came when your child brought shame to your family name and by their actions did not represent the family legacy well. Finding hope when [...]

13 Apr, 2020

Our Risen Lord Triumphs Over All

By |2020-04-13T18:25:09+00:00April 13th, 2020|Christian, COVID-19, Fear, Hope|Comments Off on Our Risen Lord Triumphs Over All

This past weekend the news continued to flash images of the suffering while the church pews were empty. Churches hosted 72-hour prayer vigils praying for those who have lost loved ones via the COVID-19 Coronavirus, those suffering either physically or because of loneliness from social distancing or from serving as nurses, doctors & first responders to [...]

31 Mar, 2020

Finding Hope in the Hard Places

By |2020-03-31T15:19:34+00:00March 31st, 2020|Christian, COVID-19, Fear, Hope|Comments Off on Finding Hope in the Hard Places

Empty shelves and countless faces with masks concealing a worried expression pervade the media. Churches no longer meet in person and students are now educated in their homes. The highest unemployment rate since the early eighties and a volatile stock market add to the feeling of instability, and all of these vast changes happened seemingly [...]

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