24 Feb, 2017

Leaving a Legacy of Love

By |2018-11-16T22:05:15+00:00February 24th, 2017|Legacy, Love, Steward|Comments Off on Leaving a Legacy of Love

Valentine's Day has come and gone again, but February is not over and love is still in the air all year through. It starts with a decision, often automatic, but carefully nurtured - to choose to unconditionally love those God has placed in our sphere of influence. How this love is shown will vary from [...]

31 Aug, 2016

Wisdom Transfer vs. Wealth Transfer

By |2018-11-19T00:58:43+00:00August 31st, 2016|Budget, Christian, Family, Father, Finances, Generations, Legacy, Lifestyle, relationships, Spiritual, Steward, Transfer, Wealth, Wisdom|Comments Off on Wisdom Transfer vs. Wealth Transfer

I've heard it said that it is not what is taught, but caught. Likewise, it is not what we expect but what we inspect that reveals whether or not the legacy we are seeking to pass on is "sticking". The next generation stands to inherit a lot from those who have gone before them. Families [...]

25 Aug, 2016

Time’s Up: Stewarding our Time

By |2018-11-19T01:08:28+00:00August 25th, 2016|Budget, Christian, Family, Generations, Legacy, Lifestyle, relationships, Spiritual, Steward, Time, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Time’s Up: Stewarding our Time

Schedules and resolutions are made, but why is time so difficult to manage? Time's Up. Seemingly a never-ending cycle of opportunities to invest moments for the here and now or for eternity, in reality, time is an evaporating commodity that we will be accountable for, ultimately having an earthly end. In light of this vacuum called [...]

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