The celebration of Independence Day for our nation has passed, but freedom’s bell continues to ring on in many areas of our lives. There are many freedoms we can enjoy, but freedom is not always available depending on political or personal oppression. The freedom to worship, political freedom, individual freedom to live and to prosper are just a few freedoms that all come at a great cost.

But one freedom is sometimes neglected and available to rich and poor alike – financial freedom. All too often we can think of financial freedom as having an excess to splurge on ourselves, but being financially free has many implications.

Freedom from debt. 

Whatever our financial status, we can choose to live within our means and trust God as our Provider. There might be seasons in which we are financially blessed beyond our basic needs and times when we have less, but like Paul, we, too, can learn the secret of being content in all financial seasons and trust God with what He has given. Surrendering our desires and needs to the lordship of Jesus helps us to discern what are wise purchases and what are not. Choosing to save and purchase rather than borrowing allows us to be free from the burden of being a debtor.

Freedom to invest in the Kingdom of God.

Instead of a legalistic obligation to the 10 percent norm, we have the freedom to invest above 10 percent and to use the money God has given to serve others and to invest in the work of God. Before knowing God, we chose to invest in temporary pleasures, but now we have a heart for the things of God. The possessions we freely give to others have an eternal impact that far outlasts any temporary gain on this earth.

Freedom from the love of money.

Recognize that God owns everything. We do not have to be a slave to the lender or a slave to the idolatry of money. Money itself is not evil, but loving money and focusing on it as life instead of God can thrust us into a continual cycle of —– Man cannot serve God and money, but we can use money to serve God.

Freedom to live within a budget.

Budgets get a bad rap. Our flesh does not like to have limits and refraining from spending seems like a hardship. But the wise steward recognizes the need for planning and refraining from spending at times. Having a budget actually provides freedom to spend within boundaries, and God’s boundaries for us lie in pleasant places.

When we recognize the blessing to be free in all areas of our lives, we don’t take it for granted and use that freedom to bless others, as well. Freedom costs and financial freedom is a gift and a choice. When we live within God’s provision and pass these financial principles on to loved ones, we establish a legacy of financial freedom that blesses our families and countless others.

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Contributor: Denise Pass, Executive Assistant to Jeff Rogers, Stewardship Legacy Coaching