The impact of a father on his children is felt for generations. In a time where authority is questioned and leading is challenging, we need fathers to guide the next generation more now than ever. The future generation is being shaped in five major areas where Dad can make all the difference in the world.

Character. The shaping of hearts and minds is no small task. Fathers who train up their children inwardly by faithfully living out the Gospel and applying the Word of God to their lives help children to live lives of integrity and to want to imitate that lifestyle, as well. Disciplining souls is not for cowards, but for men who understand the importance of denying self, it is critical that godly discipline be a part of their parenting in order to develop godly character.

Relationships. Since the fall of Adam, man has had a curse on his labor which makes nurturing of family and relationships more difficult, but not impossible. Dads demonstrate care in laying down their lives for loved ones and prioritizing family despite busy schedules. By loving the souls in their care and demonstrating a loving marriage, as well, dads help their children to love others more than themselves.

Finances. Dads have the daunting task of providing for the family and teaching them how to be wise stewards of what God has ultimately provided.  When kids learn the value of finances and using all that we have for the glory of God, they learn to invest treasures in heaven that last longer than temporary financial pursuits on this earth.

Life skills. Fathers who give their children sound counsel as well as practical like skills help their children to navigate through life successfully. Instead of wasted years, children learn to number their days wisely and invest their lives in service of others and God.

Leadership. Godly leadership is hard work and often unappreciated. Fathers who choose to take up the mantel of biblical leadership and don’t abdicate their responsibility are world changers, modeling to their children being vision casters who are dependent on God.

Stewardship Legacy Coaching applauds godly Fathers today for refusing to let others lead their family and honoring God in their leadership. Happy Father’s Day!

Denise Blog Contributor imageContributor: Denise Pass, Executive Assistant to Jeff Rogers, Stewardship Legacy Coaching