24 Feb, 2017

Leaving a Legacy of Love

By |2018-11-16T22:05:15+00:00February 24th, 2017|Legacy, Love, Steward|Comments Off on Leaving a Legacy of Love

Valentine's Day has come and gone again, but February is not over and love is still in the air all year through. It starts with a decision, often automatic, but carefully nurtured - to choose to unconditionally love those God has placed in our sphere of influence. How this love is shown will vary from [...]

16 Nov, 2016

Creating a Memorable Thanksgiving

By |2018-11-16T22:11:13+00:00November 16th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Creating a Memorable Thanksgiving

The lingering smell of turkey invites us to the Thanksgiving feast with loved ones around, oohing and ahhing over their favorite food. It's Thanksgiving again, with a hint of pumpkin spice and cinnamon filling the air, we are comforted with the simple things of life that help us to take a break from the ordinary. [...]

25 Aug, 2016

Time’s Up: Stewarding our Time

By |2018-11-19T01:08:28+00:00August 25th, 2016|Budget, Christian, Family, Generations, Legacy, Lifestyle, relationships, Spiritual, Steward, Time, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Time’s Up: Stewarding our Time

Schedules and resolutions are made, but why is time so difficult to manage? Time's Up. Seemingly a never-ending cycle of opportunities to invest moments for the here and now or for eternity, in reality, time is an evaporating commodity that we will be accountable for, ultimately having an earthly end. In light of this vacuum called [...]

25 Jun, 2016

Intergenerational Mentoring & Discipleship in the 5 Areas of Legacy

By |2018-11-19T01:24:01+00:00June 25th, 2016|Christian, Dad, Family, Father, Finances, Generations, Legacy, Lifestyle, relationships, Spiritual|Comments Off on Intergenerational Mentoring & Discipleship in the 5 Areas of Legacy

Generations come and go, but the imprint left behind by the former generation can linger several generations down the road - for better or worse. The fruit of persistent discipleship in the five areas of legacy recommended by Jeff Rogers and Stewardship Legacy Coaching help to develop families that live for the glory of God [...]

13 May, 2016

The Legacy of Mealtime

By |2018-11-19T01:36:57+00:00May 13th, 2016|Christian, Eating Habits, Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Legacy, Lifestyle, relationships, Spiritual, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Legacy of Mealtime

Summer is around the corner and the intoxicating aroma of barbecue summons us to take a break and enjoy the simpler things in life. Food nourishes our bodies, relationships and can even nourish our souls. In all of the financial decisions we make, food is one that occupies a large portion of our everyday budget. [...]

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